2009 BS in Biology. University of Girona, Spain.
2009 Predoctoral researcher. Department of Neuroscience, Pharmacology and Psychiatry, University of Cádiz, Spain.
2010 MSc in Biomedicine. University of Cadiz.
2014 Predoctoral Fellow. Mentor: Esther Berrocoso. Department of Psychology, University of Cádiz.
2016 MSc in Initiation to Research and Mental Health. CIBER of Mental Health (CIBERSAM) – University of Cádiz.
2017 International research stay. Supervisor: Finn, Prof. Pharmacology and Therapeutics Department, School of Medicine, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland.
2018 PhD in Health Science. Doctoral Extraordinary Prize. Mentor: Esther Berrocoso, PhD. Department of Psychology, University of Cádiz.
2018 Postdoctoral Investigator. Advisor: Esther Berrocoso, PhD. Department of Psychology. University of Cadiz.
2019 International research stay. Supervisor: De Koninck, Prof. CERVO Brain Research Center, University of Laval, Quebec, Canada.
Since 2020 Postdoctoral Juan de la Cierva Fellow (Formación & Incorporación). Advisor: Raul Andero, PhD. Institute of Neuroscience. Autonomous University of Barcelona.